CSS details

CSS architecture

We don't strictly decide CSS architecture, OOCSS, SMACSS, BEM, FLOCSS, FLOU, ECSS, AtomicCSS, CCSS, MCSS, ………………… WTFSS.


DEKOMORI adopt Sass(not .scss).
But .scss can be compiled, so you can replace with your SCSS files and use it.


├── libs
│   ├── commons
│   │   └── _example_common.sass
│   ├── layouts
│   │   ├── _footer.sass
│   │   ├── _header.sass
│   │   └── _l-hyphens.sass
│   ├── mixins
│   │   ├── _mediaquery.sass
│   │   └── _utility.sass
│   ├── modules
│   │   └── _m-btn.sass
│   ├── pages #each pages style
│   │   └── _index.sass 
│   ├── plugins # like appendix css to jQuery library
│   │   └── _example-plugins.sass
│   ├── presets
│   │   └── _preset.sass
│   └── variables
│       ├── _breakpoint.sass #set breakpoints!
│       ├── _colors.sass
│       ├── _fonts.sass
│       ├── _grid.sass
│       └── _utility.sass
└── style.sass

Break points & Media query

Break points

Use the value converted from px to em

(px/16) = em

variable name = $res-[device]-[value]

$res mean resolution.

// resolution of smartphone
$res-sp-max: 30.000em // 480px

// resolution of Tablets
$res-smallTab-min: 30.001em // 481px
$res-smallTab-max: 47.9375em // 767px
$res-largeTab-min: 48.000em // 768px
$res-largeTab-max: 64.000em // 1024px

// resolution of pc
$res-pc-min: 64.001em // 1025px
$res-pc-mid: 80em // 1280px
$res-pc-max: 97.5em // 1560px

Media Query

Preparing media query in mixin format.

  • min-width type
  • max-width type
  • min-width and max-width type
+mq-scope($break-point, $break-point)

Example usage

input .sass



+mq-scope($res-smallTab-min, $res-largeTab-max)

output .css

@media screen and (min-width: 1025px) { ... }

@media screen and (max-width: 1560px) { ... }

@media screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1024px) { ... }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""