How to deploy? 🤔

DEKOMORI supports two hosting services.

Deploy to GitHub Pages

DEKOMORI supports the gh-pages branch type.

1. In the your local repository, Set up the target publish GitHub repository in the git-config remote repository.

$ git remote set-url origin <target-GitHub-repository-URL>

2. Run and create Production files.

$ npm run production

3. Run the ghpages deploy command.

  • if you use the initial domain(, run this command.
$ npm run deploy:ghpages:initialDomain
  • if you use the custom domain, run this command.
$ npm run deploy:ghpages:customDomain

4. Success🌟

Deploy to Netlify

When getting started, Are you creating a git repository from the "Deploy to netlify" button?

You do not have to set it basically (Unless you specifically need to change it).

If you git push to your remote git repository from the local, Netlify detects the change and performs the deployment work automatically.

When getting started, Did you do git clone?

1. create new remote repository to git service.

Then git push from the local repository.

2. Please access

Then integrate your git repository.

reference video

3. Success🌟

After the integration is completed, Netlify will detect changes and run the deployment automatically every time you git push to the remote repository.

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